Unlocking Hidden Talent Video Shoot

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The next step in Ash’s Fixers projects has begun! SBX members Streetball Legend Conman, the electric cheese string Trix and mind blowing beatboxer Shakes all got involved with Ash and this project.

The video shoot will see the guys run out on to stage looking dazed and confused – this real life footage will be contiuned on from a cartoon animation of the guys which will be the first part of this video which is the next step to be completed in the project!

The idea behind the project is that all of these guys started off as young people with simple interested, they found something they loved and enjoyed, a passion and a talent! They continued to work hard at what they loved and enjoyed and turned it in to a career. The aim is to be able to show young people this video and hopefully get across to them that they are able to do whatever they want as long as they work hard for it – try new things until you find something you enjoy doing and put all of your time and effort in to doing it the best you possibly can!